Labor Laws and Public Question

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Product Survey Form

Dear All,

I have created a new form for a Trading Company which main operation is to import and export goods to any part of the world:

I will share it to you and you might it usable for your office transaction to prepare a marketing research plan for any product new or existing one.

In the Top of the Page you can put your logo and company details as well as you can change the reference as per your preferential control number.

Should you need any help in creating a form for any kind of operational transaction, please send your queries as your comment or you can directly inquire on me.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Types of Accounting

Managerial Accounting is used by firms for decision-making about the operation and non-operation transaction of firm itself.

Financial Accounting is an accounting standard that need standard procedure to implement and execute that’s inline with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).

Research Papers and Forms